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Rosetta SIE-XBRL/GL Viewer


o   Read and analyse your bookkeeping, from disk, email files and over internet!

o   Rosetta presents financial reports from standard SIE, XBRL/GL and Rosetta accounting files!

   SIE (wiki) file exports are possible in all accounting and business administrative system marketed in Sweden, for from the smallest to the hugest enterprises. And so a large share globally, where SIE is not marketed but available on customer requests.

   XBRL/GL (wiki) is favoured by audits in many countries and global organisations and this is a true effort in making it with our very generic taxonomy a standard implementation for file export.

o   Rosetta make you able to read bookkeeping on a mobile phone, a computer and even better on a tablet. The reports can be displayed, printed, saved as PDF (print), text files and for use in spread sheet programs for deeper analysis and presentation.

o   Double-click (Windows)/long-click (Android/iPhone/iPad) on accounts, entries or objects for specific analyse

o   You can download and test theses demo files: or this Test_SIE4.SE.

o   We are at present supporting Rosetta program and store facilities in 12 languages: English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. More languages will be supported in the future.

o   Report languages amount and date formats are made from the computer settings.


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Alphabet AB

We are experts in applied accounting and business administrative software construction. 

We are working with mobile phone, templates and the desktop environments.

We are aiming on the paper free accounting and invoicing integrated with internet banking.

We believe in a software market of multiple integrated standalone programs from multiple suppliers.

We believe in a future common global accounting information market for enterprises of all size.

We believe in accounting made and analysed in mobile phones with support of professionals on desktops.

The Rosetta software and project

The Rosetta is two things, software and a project.


Software and market development

It is a generic series of software. The first is the Viewer of the common open accounting file types of the global market, SIE and XBRL/GL expressing the same thing and from the product and project name relates.


From being a very domestic type of product line accounting and business administration is getting more generalised. The standard format develops and the governments especially within the European union standardise measures and procedures in order to establish and develop the common market. The VAT directive and the digital signature directive/eIdas must be seen as huge paradigms in this development. Huge skilled efforts are made and it results in other countries are benefitted by using the same format and procedures. There are no doubts how things will be managed, only when it will be implemented.


We see a transformation from cash to electronic payments and with it the coming of digital receipts and invoices in the daily trade. We believe in the digital receipts supplied via payments into the internet bank. Where the user can click on a transaction line and get the receipt or an invoice of a purchase. The next generation of digital invoice formats will be focused on the retail commerce customer needs rather than large entities procurements. We already see today efforts in digital receipts in large retail chains digital customer services. But most of all we are waiting for the banks, the credit card debit POS protocols and the implementation of the EU digital signature directive/eIdas. Something that so far has been very slow, Windows 3.1 supported PKI 1993, the directive is from 1999 and we still can’t sign our emails, documents and invoices (VAT directive article 233) and anyone can read the signature. But now there is a fast growing firm pressure from the market. And of course standardised bank account statements with digital receipt/invoice references will be downloadable for accounting, in a not too far future.


This will make a completely different accounting and business administration market. But also a market of possible pure accounting transparency and the opportunity to analyse business to the last nut and bolt.


The Project

We believe in Software development for accounting and business administration to a quite clear path of the future.


We believe in doing it right from the beginning with a good firm accounting and computer scientific fundament of a quite clear view of the future. Rather making add-on adaptations to glue the present to the future foundations, being ready to embrace the future, than like in the past.


We have seen software development in this field in the past as an improvised in an improvised environment of legislation and business. In the past the accounting and business administration software industry have been created and continued as a continuous adaptation to this situation. This leading to the core components of the accounting and business administrative systems do not meet up with the needs of accuracy, transparency and automation levels of the future.


Alphabet AB has made analyse and try to make it right from the beginning.


Accounting statement

Five basic statements are important in mind:

o     We are working with accounting documentation with reports and not accounting flows.

o     Bank account statements, governmental (tax) reports, contracts and wage statements are self-billed invoices and all types of invoices are the accounting vouchers. The accounting is a collection (journal) of accounting vouchers/invoices and nothing else. Invoices should be possibly referred (with hyperlinks) to in accounting voucher entries, accounting objects, accounts and the entity. 

o     The entire accounting has one and only currency and all transactions and reports are stated in that currency. Any other currency assets or debts like loans or bank accounts, specified in other currencies than the accounting are quantity accounting registrations, and must be validated according to the GAAP and tax regulations. We support quantity addendum accounting where each account has one possible measure and its total will be reported. SIE and XBRL/GL support quantity accounting.

o     The accounting entries representing the vouchers can have object tags to represent sub/project reporting for like cost centres and cost objects. This also allows invoices in payables and receivables can each be accounted for as objects for full transparency. The same for employees and transparent salary expressed in detailed accounting terms for transparency. SIE and XBRL/GL support object accounting.

o     An accounting year could be of any length (from an accounting theoretical view, but normally not from a legal view) and one accounting file can include indefinite number of complete accounting years. The forwarding balances on balance accounts should have the same amounts as the opening balances of the account in the following year. Else the accounting is corrupt. The forward and opening balances should be documented in the accounting as it, and not as an accounting voucher with account entries. Each quantity amounts should be reported per account and opening and forwarding balances should be expressed for objects. Periodic monthly reports are made in the benefit of the reader and should be reported and other periodic data made by month aggregation.


Software strategy

The Rosetta file format. Read the Alphabet Rosetta accounting file format and method and to it are import and export sets of functions for SIE and XBRL/GL. It all refers to and is compatible to the SIE 4 specifications and methods. To make an implementation of XBRL/GL to work, a taxonomy must be made, the Alphabet Rosetta accounting XBRL/GL Taxonomy.(that is based on the SIE accounting methods).


The Rosetta project have been designed in a few layers of the application development:

o        The XSD describing the work file, the information set Rosetta.xsd

o        The core File I/O:

   Is created to

-         Create a work program memory

-         Destroy a work program memory

-         Copy the work program memory into another set of work program memory

-         IsData to check if there are any data in the work program memory.

-         Read the work files into the work program memory.

-         Write the work program memory into the work files

   The code is written by a program of us, designed to transform the XSD to these functions

-         To avoid bugs

-         To create unanimity

-         It all is written to a linked list system of C pointers to data structures

-         Accounts and objects have special treatment to support reactive structure pointer programming to allow low level updates being reactive all over the application.

   A set of general utility functions in support is made

   A set of application processing functions are made

   It all is collected in a C-file library with console demo program that translates files between the formats, a Visual Studio project, and is available under Apache License, Version 2.0, in our to be downloaded.

o        The core sets of virtual screens:

   A set of functions creating a virtual screen for each reactive report page containing texts, attributes and data pointers to the related sets of data structures. Will be called from outside by one function call to perform all needs.

o        The shell OS dependent user interfaces

   Creating the user interface in the device

   Replicating the virtual screen in the memory to the user interface

   Making commands (from menus and other means) to the core

   Supporting features like printing (that also replicates from the virtual screens)

   Interaction with its environment and other programs

Help Rosetta translation of texts?

We are very happy for any contribution in text translation. The Rosetta project is under very lean budget and professional text translations are not funded. Interested in helping expanding for more languages please look into the enumerations in Rosetta.xsd and RosettaHelpTexts.xsd. Mail us your expanded translation and we look into it.

We have made the translations of the present languages by our personal non-professional translator status. Any suggestions in improving the texts, please mail us.

A first step developing modern accounting – a very long process, a new focus

Alphabet AB has built up a commercial standard model for software development for any computer system. A concept to create a standard base for supportive software product market for various purposes. Catching up and developing as SIE succeeded successfully in the 1990s in Sweden. A first step developing modern accounting browsing/generate reports from SIE-files and analyse instruments. The concept works in all countries and languages. Files/Reports can be made in multiple language formats for an international audience. Making it possible to read accounting reports over language borders.

It is a free way of exploiting the work of a large number of committee work such as XBRL, UN / CEFACT, SIE, the EU VAT directive and transforming the experience into commercial software that fulfils market requirements. Previously, the work has been so difficult for the market to utilize above all by formal reasons, as we resolve here. The future fully digital accounting end economy administration.

The concept is designed to meet the new market conditions for rapid growth of smartphones and tablets, digital payment, web-shop and internet banking. Key goals are the supply of traditional markets with modern accounting and invoicing software. The globalisation of accounting trade administration and tax reports is coming.

We are interested in business partners and contact us and tell what you can contribute.
